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Writer's pictureKristin Anderson

Shame and Pleasure

Updated: Oct 14

What do you feel when you hear the word “pleasure”?

What about “joy”?


For me, pleasure feels… scandalous… still!

Joy feels fleeting and happiness feels very balanced, like a peacefulness.

What about “pleasing”? I think of a prim and proper aesthetic, pleasing to the eye, or people pleasing, the word is a bit restrictive. 

But while the word “pleasure” feels scandalous it simultaneously feels wild, untethered and joyful! 

The lack of pleasure in the world is so very obvious. The world right now is in chaos. We are in a world where people are suffering, how dare we feel pleasure! We feel ashamed to deeply feel pleasure, especially in our own bodies. But not only!

But it IS pleasure that will save us. Pleasure in the small moments in life. Like feeling the sun on your face. The ground under your bare feet. And the free and fabulous energy within your own damn body!

We have we been fed contradicting and misleading information when it comes to sexual pleasure. The pleasure that we have right in our own bodies. The pleasure we have access to no matter what our demographic. For free.

Because pleasure is the exact way we drop into the co-creation of a beautiful world. It’s the exact way that we can transform misery into joy. Pleasure is power. And we have been kept far away from THAT! Sex is loaded with fast, exploitative imagery and lots of slut shaming. We have all been misled.

Years ago I found my power. I was about 24 years old. And I was so shocked about what I had just experienced that I didn’t give it any attention for years. The power to shift physical matter, to heal, to download information from the source of all things, to glide right through brick walls like a hot knife through warm butter. Easy peasy. But the shame surrounding pleasure kept me restricted. I was avoidant of my power! I avoided the allowing of pleasure into my life. This is a block to receiving. 

I am no different than you. You too have this power within. Maybe you have this block to receiving too. 

Recently I heard of the show Shameless, which to my understanding is about lots of sex with whoever is available. This too is misleading because while there is less shame, there is no real power. I never watched the show. Only heard about it. But my first thought was that this is the programming. When you have sex mindlessly for the small few seconds of bliss, you are giving your power away. You are diluting your energy and your ability to co-create with the universe. You are being used. You are blocking the ability to receive your own power! 

We are fed hyper sexual images on purpose because getting a human to want and have sex is easy and it keeps them under control. Sex is like a drug. There was a study done with lab rats, poor things, where they were offered food or sexual stimulation. They chose the sexual stimulation until they starved and died. They chose sex over food every time. They did the same study again, with new rats, this time the choice was between sugar and food. They chose the sugar… until they died. Think about that.

Think about that. 

The powers that be KNOW that we are sexual beings and can be controlled in this area easily. We have never been shown the proper way to use this energy. So most poor souls, including me at one time, are just tapped. Spilling their energy out, often daily! Our lives are filled with the seeking of sex and sugar! And the minute bit of a fleeting good feeling that don’t even linger but dissipate and quickly turn to suffering. 

I want to show you a different kind of pleasure. A pleasure that has staying power. A pleasure that won’t kill you, but actually give you more life and make you more vibrant.

It took me years to figure this out. Years and many books that most people would not dare to pick up for fear of being “evil”. But I have news for you. Good and evil is a lie that is being perpetuated and created by the poor souls who are literally starving to death from sex and sugar, both of which create violent aggressive behaviors.  

We are well into “The Great Awakening” and this message is perfectly timed to bring you back to your full Sexual Sovereign power, to bring back the joy, true pleasure, and the co creating of a peaceful and beautifully balanced Earth. To bring us all back in alignment with abundance.

I have 21 seats left for Sexual Sovereign, at the beta price of $184.50 for this brand spanking new workshop on the 28th of September, just 8 days away! Will you join me?

If you use the code “beta” when you check out for a 50% discount! You will be one of the founding members and that will come with a few perks. 

Here are the details!

Online workshop

September 28th 2024

10 am -12pm on Zoom


Beta promo price is $184.50

Use code “beta” when checking out!

Only 21 spots left!

Offer closes on Thursday September 26th

Will you heed the call and rise into your full power?

Join me! Let’s change the world from the inside out!

See you on the inside!

XO Kristin

PS, Disregard typos.


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